
Tirurangadi: Darul Huda national project chairman and Senate member Sayyid Munavvarali Shihab Thangal inaugurated multi facilitated recording studio at Darul Huda Islamic University. He said that we have to introduce innovative steps in both educational and propagating fields even in the troublesome conditions. We never let education to deteriorate even if all sectors face crisis, he added.
Vice Chancellor Dr. Bahaudheen Muhammed Nadwi was the chair of function and he inaugurated recording section switching on the cameras.
The studio will enable smooth running of different schemes such as Darul Huda online education, training programmes, video conferencing, online courses  and propagation programmes. The studio is sponsored by UAE chapter of Darul Huda Alumni association Hadia. 
U. Shafi Haji delivered the welcome speech while PK Nasar Hudawi concluded with vote of thanks. MK Jabir Ali Hudawi, Ishaq Baqavi Chemmad, Dr. Zubair Hudawi Chekanur, T. Abubakar Hudawi, Hamza Haji Mooniyur, PK Muhammed Haji, CK Muhammed Haji, Sidheeq Haji Cherumukku, KP Shamsudheen Haji, EK Rafeeq Hudawi Kattumunda and Faisal Hudawi Padikkal participated in the function.


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